Monday, January 27, 2020
Iran: Healthcare, Education and Culture
Iran: Healthcare, Education and Culture Comparative and international Family Research demonstration project Cultural issues related to families are quite dissimilar in various countries. United States and Islamic republic of Iran exhibit great cultural diversity. Iran in known is known in United States for its for its vast supply of oil. It is a fact beyond obvious perception that Iranian and American Culture are witnessed to be in the midst of a ââ¬Å"culture clashâ⬠with perceived difference in values; this has lead to great confrontations and tension. ââ¬Å"Irans glory has always been its cultureâ⬠(Frye, 2005), Is a quote that portrays the inherent relationship between people and their culture, this as had a immense effect in family setup. The family within the Iranian culture is a very autonomous aspect of their culture, heavily based on male dominance contrary with the Americans were women can live autonomously without a mans authority. Irrespective of this, Iranians as well as Americans equally treasure their exclusive and intricate cultural identity, whether its the Ira nians intrinsic values of Islamic religion, gender roles and family importance or Americas unique marriage taboos depicts the importance of culture alike (COMM 325 Iran, 2007). From both perspectives, we must examine the impact of religion, education, housing and geographical location among others to understand their family structure and cultural issues. Housing and Geographical location Iran is a country in south-west Asia. It is located at the southern shores of Caspian Sea, bordering the republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkmenistan to the north, Turkey, Iraq, Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman to the west, and to the east is Pakistan and Afghanistan (Tavassoli, 2002). Its the 18th largest country in the world with an area of 1,648,195km2 having an estimate population of 74 million people. Its a country with diverse landscapes varying from flat lands to deserts and from mountains to plateaus. It holds two mountain chains, the Alborz Mountains to the northand the Zagross to the south-west. This makes Irans land of true beauty and magnificence (Tavassoli, 2002). It further has a massive volcanic peak called Damavand located along the Alborz mountain ranges (Neff, 2006). In additions, its a home to two impassible barrier deserts called ââ¬ËDaht e Kavir and ââ¬ËDasht e Lut. With this king of environment, the spatial characteristic o f traditional Iranian houses reflects natural, geographical and cultural needs. One important aspect is adaptation to the harsh climate most notable on the central parts of the country. Houses are constructed of Adobe and brick with unique fabled artistic and deep heritage architecture while in the United States; houses are made of stones and blocks (Harvey, 2005). Education Iranian education system is divided into five cycles namely, pre-school, primary, middle or guidance, secondary and post-secondary education. Elementary education is mandatory under the countrys constitution but due to high number of applicants for post-secondary educations, admission to these institutions is based on a nation-wide examination, giving a opportunity only to the most talented and bright students. All these levels of study enjoy free education, private schools and universities too do exist but allowed by law to charge tuition fees. Demand for post secondary education far much exceeds supply with only 27% of all applicants being admitted. (MCHE, 2009), approximately 50% of the Irans population is under the age of 25; hence quite difficult for the government to provide proper education for all (MCHE, 2009). Students at the two phases of primary and middle/guidance education are required to do a national and regional exam as compulsory for continuation. This does not apply in the United States. The literacy rates stand at 76.9% (UNESCO, 2009). Religions Islam is the religion of up to 98% of Iranians with approximately 90% being the Shia and 8% being Sunni. Other minorities make up 2% of the remaining non- Muslims. In Iran, divine law in the unique source of legitimacy and the unique interpreter of divine law is the spiritual leader. Any interpretations by the spiritual leader are not questionable. Furthermore, religion played a key role in the lifestyle of Iranians. Frey (2004) states that, issues such as polygamy were highly regulated by the Islam custom, where the religion permitted a man to have as many wives as possible. The religious law too supports the sanctifying of the family in diverse ways, defining conditions for divorce, inheritance and guardianship. These have had an impact in the entire family structure and ways of living. Issues of religious freedom are yet to be achieved with non-Muslims being discriminated and harassed. Conversion too from Islam is punishable to death. This is quite contrary to the United States we re there is freedom of worship and change of religion. Atheists have their own rights too, and peoples lifestyle seems not to be influence much by religion (Frey, 2004). Socio-cultural beliefs and values Before revolution, the Iranian society practiced segregation of sexes. Men dominated the family and subjected women to hardship in the name of culture. Mostafavi, Mehryar and Agha (2006), argued that ââ¬Å"mens beliefs family planning is the responsibility of women has reduced their likelihood of their participation in family planning activitiesâ⬠(Mostafavi, Mehryar Agha, 2006, p.78). This means that men could not be keen at all on such issues of family planning at the expense of their wives. This is quite similar with the American culture in the fifties where, women where being taught to be housewives failure to which they were being despised.FRD (2004) further re-affirmed that, ââ¬Å"Women generally practiced use of chador (or veil) when in public or when males not related to them were in the house. In traditional view, an ideal society was one in which women were confined to the home, where they performed the various domestic tasks associated with managing a household and rearing children. Men worked in public sphere, that is, in the fields, factories, bazaars and offices. Deviation from this ideal, especially in the case of women, tended to reflect adversely upon the reputation of the familyâ⬠(p.147) An individual with no family ties has little importance and status in the larger society. Only if a person does something disgusting to Islam can such ties be detached. Even though the culture is strict in the roles of women, westernization has eroded some of these old values. Among these ideas are; women being involved in the public world such as education and labor force (FRD, 2004). In addition, the word ââ¬Ëhousehold had a quite different connotation than it is for the American culture. While for the Americans it refers to the actual structure were the family unit resides, the Iranian culture describes it has the cooperation and relationship between man and the woman (COMM 325, 2007). The family is quite autonomous heavily based on male supremacy. Even if the oldest member is the grandfather, father or son, they have the right to be in charge of the household. Polygamy is also practiced highly and enshrined in the Islamic law. This too is quite different with the United States where polygamy is hardly practiced. Another complex cultural practiced which is highly termed as a taboo in the United States is marriages within the family context and the process of choosing marriage partner. Reliance on family members to choose a spouse for one of their own for marriage is still quite prevalent in Iran (COMM 325, 2007). Marrying a close relative is termed incest in the United States and is heavily prohibited. As much these two cultures are geographically far away, and with such sharp difference in culture, they too have some relationship in common, just like Iranians, Americans still value the importance of the family set up. This is much portrayed by the politicians where they are highly influenced by the wider family in their quest for political ambitions in the United States. The perception of women in both cultures is still eminent. Although w omen enjoy freedom and little influence from men, there still exist notable hierarchal differences with male dominance on the top in almost all aspect. For example, men generally are still paid more and reside in plush places than women (COMM 325, 2007). Sociopolitical systems and structures The political system in Iran is quite peculiar; this is much attributed by the fact that the state is an institution of divine will, where the divine law is the unique source of legitimacy and political authority. The depository and unique interpreter of divine law is the spiritual leader whose religious jurisprudence is given to be in charge of all aspects of political society. The spiritual leader exercises his control over the judiciary, the army, the police, the radio and also over the president and parliament; institutions elected by the people (Fidh, 2003). This clearly depicts the Islamic ideology in the political framework of Iran, hence a theocratic republic. This is quite different from the American system were the religion is autonomous and has no direct link with the federal political system of governance (Iran Year Book, 1996). Iran has three branches of government with the executive being headed by the supreme leader as the head of s tat e and present as t he head of government and council ministers whereas in the United states executive consists of the president who is both the head of state and government and delegates. Both countries share four year term of re-electing leaders with most of the top organ leaders holding electoral offices (UNESCO, 2009). Economics Iran is the second largest oil producer among OPEC member countries and it is the leading export commodity in the country. Agricultural products too such as wheat, rice etc contributes 10.4% of the GDP. The GDP stands at $852.6 billion and growth rate stands at 6.2% contrary to that of the United States GDP of$ 14.441 trillion and growth rate of 0.4% in 2008. The per capita income lies at $12,300 with an unemployment rate of 12.1%. Total exports amounted to $76.5 billion in 2008, 80% being from petroleum (UNESCO, 2009).These figures are quite insignificant compared with $1.283 trillion worth of export from the United States with a per capita income of $47,422 in 2008. The urban status has enjoyed lots of economic mobility due many opportunities emerging from government bureaucracies and revolutionary organization compared to the rural dwellers. Imports stood at $61.3 billion much being of industrial raw materials and military supplies (US Department of State, 2008). Access and utilization of health care The largest healthcare system is run and managed by the Ministry of health and Medical Education. It is charged responsibility to regulate and oversee healthcare system. However, access and availability of health care is limited particularly in provinces where figures indicate lower prevalence of diseases compared with nationwide figures. The government has also established low cost clinics to care for the law income. Able people mostly in the large cities of Tehran and Isfahan use private hospitals which charge heavy bills. This has boosted the Life expectancy of Iranian which stood at 70.8 years in 2008 with every citizen entitled to basic health care offered at subsidized rates by the government. In the United States, healthcare system lies on the private hands with a view government hospitals (UNESCO, 2009). Food, dietary habits and body image Several Iranian dishes originated from the Greeks, Arabs, Turks and Russians. This happened in the midst of human civilization through invasions. Their stable meal mainly comprises of larger amount of grains especially rice, fruits and vegetables with small amounts of read meat. A typical Iranian meal is often a heaping plate of rice spiced with greens (Spencer, 1997). About 6% of population of Iran is undernourished according to World Bank. This means they do not receive adequate nutrition. Of children too under the age of five, 16% are underweight and about 19% are stunted. This explains the nutrient deficiency in their diet. Stable food for Unites States is wheat and wheat product but their diet is much blended coffee, tea, fruit juices and cereals. They are quite accessible to balanced diets with low cases of nutrient deficiency (Spencer, 1997). Technology and mass media Iran still has limited media freedom in dissemination of information with the government being in control. The administration too is yet to allow the internet to be a public forum with government involvement in filtering the internet. Several cases of harassment and closure of internet cafes in Tehran with g rounds of no permits and promoting immorality but it became apparent that the closure was due to Iranians use internet to make low cost international calls making the ministry of Post Telegraph and Telephone lose significant revenues (Washington post, 29th September 2006). With such frustrations, Iranians remain tangled with their culture with limited use of technology equipments in their households. A big contradiction exists with the United States where internet access is accessible by majority of the population without filtration by the government (Spencer, 1997). Conclusion Cultural issues related to families in Iran, is much affected by their religion. Through such studies of their cultural differences, it has helped to better understand one another and fully appreciate what we share in common and make sense of our perceived differences. This kind of understanding, help clear perceptions of hostilities and appreciate our fascinating cultures. Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl: Analysis Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl: Analysis Lamb to the Slaughter is a wound, holding story of Mary Maloney, who kills her own particular spouse by hitting him with a solidified leg of lamb and after that concealing her wrongdoing and discarding the proof by encouraging the lamb to the policemen who come to examine the murder. This sharp story is created down to the littlest detail; each word and expression suggests something, frequently has a moment significance thus controls the perusers feeling. The component that makes this story significantly all the more intriguing, is that it is composed from the killers perspective, while the conclusion of the creator is still obvious. Roald Dahl adequately built up the hero both specifically and in a roundabout way; however the utilization the suspense is more overwhelming in light of the fact that it uncovers and clarifies Mary Malloneys activities. Roald Dahl utilizes the long, short sentences and dynamic wording to make strain,anticipation and suspense with a wide range of systems. Roald Dahl effectively used long sentences to make a rundown of dreadful or stressing points of interest, which makes a mind-boggling, claustrophobic or serious feeling. Mary Maloney is the primary character of the story, a character that Dahl goes to considerable lengths to build up deliberately toward the start of this breathtaking short story. Mary is obviously a committed spouse to her significant other, Patrick. Dahl sets aside opportunity to clarify her care for Patrick. What this representation plainly does not set us up for is the situational irony that comes when Mary slaughters her Patrick. At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause, swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could. Mary has a sudden change of temper and feeling. We see her go from an enthusiastic, mindful and delicate lady to this imprudent, frightening and vindictive character. The suspense gradually develops when the begin of man y inquiries rises. The violence of the crash, the noise, the small table overturning, helped bring her out of shock. She came out slowly, feeling cold and surprised The descriptive language and the long sentence utilized as a part of the content genuinely includes a great deal of anticipation by building up the dreadful climate of the house and the feelings going through Marys mind leaving us holding our breaths and imploring that the house does not turn into a crime scene. She carried the meat into the kitchen, placed it on the pan, turned the oven on high, and shoved it inside. In this quote we are likewise given a great measure of detail in this long sentence to put accentuation and help foretell what will later on occur in the story; the meat getting eaten. Roald Dahl used long sentences that were utilized to slow a description down and to make a feeling of unwinding or time dragging later on adding to the suspense. Roald Dahl utilizes exact words to help foretell diverse occasions in the story that make suspence. When the clock hit ten minutes to five, she began to listen, and a few moments later, punctually as always. With the use of the word punctual we are in a path put into a condition of suspense where we are not sure anymore if he will come back knowing the frightening title. Close to the beginning of the story,Mary is extremely possessive of her life partner. The feeling however was not circulated to Mary. Hullo Darling Perceiving how Patrick is not demonstrating the affection this shows the condition of anticipation and pressure amongst Mary and Patrick and again helping us foretell what may happen later on .In conclusion, the use of the words imagine and visionized help with the suspenceful part of the story knowing Marys incautious practices. Her first instinct was to not believe any of it, to reject it all. It occured to her that she imagined or visualized Adding on, Roald Dahl used different words to improve the depiction and general state of mind, and help create the suspense and foreshadowing of the story. Roald Dahl used short sentences give us a dread, since we do not expect them for some time. It gives short sentences a startling quality, which is truly valuable for making suspense. The ending of the story definitely was made to keep the reader at the edge of his chair and to kick with suspense. Mary began to giggle This quote expands on the dramatic conclusion that is assume to leaves in a condition of stun knowing her arrangement and guile payed off. This keeps on building suspense with the impact of not knowing whether the police will genuinely uncover the puzzle of Patricks passing. Through the story we see the change in heart of Mary and her impulsive actions and thoughts taking over her. It made no difference to her. This quote genuinely speaks to how Mary will battle through anything to escape inconvenience. It demonstrates to us how as it were, she is frail for experiencing the greater part of this only because of her significant other leaving The anticipation begins to dev elop when we are not sure if the cops will fall into her trap or not. The lamb turns out to be a significant symbol in the sotry. A leg of lamb. This quote introduces the main symbol of the story which in a way create suspense due to the entitlement of the story. Roald Dahl used short sentences to the create shape isnt common. They stop. Out of the blue. It feels distracted. It is meant to keep the state of tension and suspense. All things considered, it is apparent that suspense and tension are made in the short story The lamb to the slaughter The author utilized long and short sentences and significant words t as a method for making the sought environment, and prevail with regards to accomplishing his point. However there are contrasts in which this making of frightfulness and tension are organized inside these stories. Taking everything into account, the story gives a stunning and anticipation encounter through various strategies and systems.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Advantages of supply chain management Essay
One is cost advantage. Companies that have implemented supply chain management have a 45% supply chain cost advantage over their competitors. [1] Price of raw materials and end product are optimized due to collaboration between two parties. The sharing of vital information in the early stage of development, and the effective communication of methods and requirements allows parties within the supply chain to effectively benefit each other in terms of cost. Another is faster time to market. Companies met their promised delivery dates 17% faster than their competition. [2] Through early information and forecast, suppliers can also efficiently design their production and implementation process through collaboration. This allows supplier to reduce the lead time to produce their products within the supply chain. Disadvantages of supply chain management over traditional competitive procurement processes. First is the difficulty of maintaining supply chain relationship. Supply chain relationships are probably the most fragile and the most susceptible to breaking down. [3] This is because a poor relationship at any part of the supply chain can cause major problems to the entire supply chain. In todayââ¬â¢s global market, the customers have the power over the suppliers. Everyone else in the supply chain must quickly satisfy the demands or else face the possibility of loosing them. Another disadvantage is the need to share vital information for collaboration purposes which leaves a company vulnerable to illegal copying of ideas or methods. Although these can be safeguarded by proper agreement between parties, but the forces of market competition may compel violations of agreement intentionally or unintentionally. à If supply chain management is actually a superior way of managing procurement and production, how (if at all) does that modify any of the economic `big ideas` we examined in Module 1? à à à à à à à à à à à Supply Chain Management plays a major role in the concept of supply and demand. With parties closely related through collaboration, the identification of demand which is needed by the suppliers to support the collaborative company is easy, allowing suppliers to maximize profit given the level of demand. On the side of the collaborative company, the control of supply of raw materials is easy, which again would allow them to optimize profit. References: Ferguson, B. (2000). Implementing Supply Chain Management. Retrieved December 3, 2006 from à [1] See Implementing Supply Chain Management at à [2] See Implementing Supply Chain Management at à [3] See Implementing Supply Chain Management at Ã
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Marginal Population Of Mumbai Health And Social Care Essay
The paper tries to give an penetration about the exclusion of the unseeable population in Mumbai by a peculiar wellness strategy implemented in the province of Maharashtra. The paper besides highlights some of the issues faced by this peculiar group from the experience of the field as a pupil societal worker The chief statement of this paper is the usage of specific standards in placing donees for the strategy which is already debatable and has been contested by many intellectuals in India thereby excepting meriting donees which is beyond the purpose a public assistance province.Introductionââ¬Å" Welfare province is a construct of authorities in which the province plays a cardinal function in the protection and publicity of the economic and societal wellbeing of its citizens. It is based on the rules of equality of chance, just distribution of wealth, and public duty for those unable to avail themselves of the minimum commissariats for a good life â⬠( Beginnings: hypertext tr ansfer protocol: // ) . ââ¬Å" The Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences describes a public assistance province as a province which takes up the duty to supply a minimal criterion of subsistence to its citizens. Therefore, in a public assistance province, the disposal enters into economic, political, societal and educational life of persons. And it provides services to persons, right from an person ââ¬Ës birth to decease â⬠( Social Welfare Administration: Concept, Nature and Scope, ) . In a public assistance province, the province takes the duty to function the aged, ill, orphans, widows, helpless, oppressed and the handicapped people whenever they are in demand of services. As a public assistance province the province implements assorted public assistance strategies for the citizens at big. The public assistance province typically includes proviso of wellness services, basic instruction, and lodging ( in some instances at low cost or free of c harge ) etc. for the populace at big. When we talk about a public assistance province, the policies are inclusive of Torahs, directive, and planning in the Fieldss of employment, revenue enhancement, societal insurance and societal aid and population policy etc. The modern usage of the term public assistance province is coupled with the wide-ranging steps of societal insurance adopted in 1948 by Britain on the footing of the study on Social Insurance and Allied ServicesA ( 1942 ) . In the twentieth century, as the earlier construct of the inert individualistic province was steadily abandoned, about all provinces ( in the western states ) sought to supply at least some of the steps of societal insurance associated with the rules of public assistance province. Therefore, in the United States came up with theA â⬠New Deal â⬠A of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and theA â⬠Fair Deal â⬠A of President Harry S. Truman, and a big portion of the domestic plans of ulterior presidents were based on the rules of the public assistance province ( Beginnings: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . During the clip of British regulation in India, from the early nineteenth century till India ââ¬Ës independency, the welfare-political sphere of India has witnessed the formation of a great trade of societal motions, rooted from distinguishable, and aggressively divided societal categories like the dramatis personae and, subsequently on, spiritual communities of that clip who resentfully opposed the active badgering province of societal personal businesss ( Aspalter 2003 ) . Though it was excessively early to believe about societal security programs and other meaningful societal policy steps, during the British regulation in India, the Government did establish a series of societal policy statute law which focused chiefly on the decrease of societal diswelfare instead than the construct of new signifiers of public assistance plans and ordinances ( Aspalter 2003 ) . During that clip Social statute law, aimed at the stoping of harmful societal patterns and societal inequalities, patt erns like kid matrimony, limitation on widow rhenium matrimony, cast based favoritism etc. By presenting the first societal security statute law of modern India, Workmen ââ¬Ës Compensation Act 1923 the Indian societal security system made the first of import measure in way of a notable public assistance system. The act has proviso for compensation for accidents taking to decease, or entire or partial disability for more than three yearss, if the accident occurred in the class of employment, compensation for occupational disease etc ( Chowdhry 1985, Cited in Aspalter 2003, pp. 156-157 ) . The period following the divider, the Indian authorities passed a series of new Torahs with respect to labour and societal public assistance, even before the operation of the new fundamental law in 1950 ( Goel and Jain 1988, Cited in Aspalter 2003, pp 169-160 ) . After 1950, the Indian authorities of India undertook many attempts in the field of societal security ( Aspalter 2003 ) , ââ¬Å" Over the old ages the authorities established, in add-on, illness insurance, a pension program, p regnancy benefits, particular disablement benefits, infirmary leave, a productivity-linked fillip strategy, assorted decreases of lodging, electricity, and H2O rates, a deposit-linked insurance strategy ( which functions similar to a life insurance ) , and death-cum-retirement tip for Cardinal Government employees. Employees of public sector projects and other independent organisations may gain from Employees State Insurance, Employees Family Pension Scheme, lodging benefits, particular societal aid strategies for handicapped individuals, widows, dependent kids, etc â⬠( Aspalter 2003 ) . Till now India has witnessed assorted strategies, policies, ordinances and statute laws etc aimed at the public assistance of its citizens, the lone inquiry remains is that how the province has been able to turn this policies into world, inclusive of all citizens of the state particularly the marginal ââ¬Ës. The ulterior portion of this paper will seek to critically see a wellness strategy launched in the State of Maharashtra meant of the poorer subdivision of the society which aims at supplying free wellness strategies to BPL households. It will be chiefly based on unrecorded experience from the Fieldss as a pupil Social Worker.Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana ( RGJAY )The Maharashtra authorities launched the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojana on 18th December 2011 with the purpose to enable households with one-year income of less than Rs. 1 million rupees to avail free medical installations deserving Rs. 1.5 million. The Maharashtra province Health Minister Suresh Shett y announced that said strategy, when to the full implemented, would profit close to 2.5 billion households ( The Hindu, 19 Dec. 2011 ) . The strategy will be implemented throughout the province of Maharashtra in phased mode for a period of 3 old ages. The strategy covers eight territory of the province boulder clay now ( Gadchiroli, Amravati, Nanded, Sholapur, Dhule, Raigad, Mumbai and Suburbs ) . The strategy is aimed at bettering medical entree installation for both BPL and APL households which will in bend enhance the quality of medical attention to BPL and APL households. The donees will each acquire a wellness insurance policy and the EMIs of which will be paid by the State authorities. The strategy will widen quality medical attention for identified forte services, necessitating hospitalization for surgeries and therapies or audiences, through an identified web of wellness attention suppliers. The Scheme will supply coverage for run intoing all disbursals associating to hospitalization of the beneficiary up to Rs. 1, 50,000/- per household per twelvemonth in any of the Empanelled Hospital topic to Box Ratess on cashless footing through Health cards or valid Orange/Yellow Ration Card. The benefit shall be available to each and every member of the household on floater footing i.e. the entire one-year coverage of 1.5 million rupees can be availed by one person or jointly by all members of the household. The Scheme will cover the full cost of intervention of the patient from day of the month of describing to his discharge from infirmary including complications if any, doing the dealing genuinely cashless to the patient. In case of decease, the passenger car of dead organic structure from web infirmary to the village/township would besides be portion of bundle. The Network Hospitals will besides supply free follow-up audience, nosologies, and medical specialties under the strategy up to 10 yearss from the day of the month of discharge. A When the beneficiary visits the selected web infirmary and services of selected web infirmary, harmonizing to the strategy shall be made available ( Capable to handiness of beds ) . In case of non- handiness of beds at web infirmary, the installation of cross referral to nearest another Network infirmary is to be made available and Arogyamitra ( the staff covering with the said strategy in a web infirmary ) will besides supply the donee with the list of nearby web infirmaries. All eligible households in the enforced territories will be provided with Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana Health Cards though this has non implemented wholly till now. For the clip being till the issue of wellness cards, the valid Orange/Yellow Ration Card with Aadhaar figure or, any Photo ID card of beneficiary ( if Aadhaar figure is non available ) issued by Government bureaus ( Driving License, Election ID, ) to correlate the patient name and exposure is accepted in stead of wellness card to avail the benefits by a donee. The Health Cards to be issued will be used for the intent of placing beneficiary households in the household under the said Scheme. The Family Health Cards will be issued by utilizing informations from valid Yellow or Orange ration cards coupled with Aadhaar Numberss issued by UID governments. Till now from July 2nd 2012 there is 78919 households have been registered under this strategy and 154571 patients have been benefited. Total of 43503 surgeries/therapies has been performed including both authorities and private infirmaries. ( Beginnings: hypertext transfer protocol: // )The fringy population of Mumbai and the RGJAYOne-half of the population in Mumbai is either homeless or lives in informal or semi lasting lodging. Harmonizing to the 2001 nose count of India, out of 11.9 million people populating in the metropolis, 5.8 million people lives in shanty towns or slums or on pavings ( Levinson, 2004 ) . A turning figure ofA migrantsA looking for employment and better life criterions are rapidly fall ining Mumbai ââ¬Ës stateless population. NGO'sA are assisting to alleviate the homelessness crisis in Mumbai, but these organisations are non plenty to work out the full job. And there are less figure of NGO ââ¬Ës working with this population with respect to wellness issues of this peculiar population. As I have been working with this population since the beginning of the MA class in TISS, I have some basic apprehension of this peculiar population and their issues with wellness and entr ee to wellness attention. Health attention for stateless people or people in destitution is a major public wellness challenge in Mumbai. They are more likely to endure hurts and medical jobs because their life style on the street, which besides includes hapless nutrition, exposure to extreme conditions conditions, and a higher opportunity of indulging in force and dependence to chemical substance and alcohol addiction. Yet at the same clip, they have small or no entree to public medical services. Many a times working as a pupil societal worker at the bureau where I have been placed, had to reason with hospital governments to acquire a street patient admitted. Unless they are non accompanied by any 3rd party ( NGO or the Police ) the infirmaries barely admits them. They are denied of basic installations of wellness attention. This peculiar population frequently finds troubles in keeping their paperss like individuality cogent evidence paperss, Because stateless people normally have no topographic point at all to hive away their ownerships, they often lose their ownerships, including their designation and other paperss, or happen them destroyed by constabulary or BMC which is really common in Mumbai. One a young person from Murti Galli, Khar route narrated me how he lost his paperss in Mumbai inundations, 2006. Many times they are chased off from the railroad platforms, foot waies etc. Without an ID cogent evidence, they are denied to entree many societal services schemes. Many do non possess basic citizenship cards, like elector ââ¬Ës ID, ration cards etc. Sing at the scope of exposures that this peculiar population faces and their issues with wellness, I have the sentiment that they should be the precedence as a mark group in any public assistance strategies. As a typical societal public assistance strategy RGJAY has neglected this peculiar unseeable population by utilizing a debatable standard to aim population ââ¬ËWithin India, there has been turning controversy around the appraisal of poorness, peculiarly in the period of economic reforms. First, there are relentless dissensions among economic experts on whether the rate of poorness diminution after economic reforms was slower than in the preceding period. Second, the displacement to targeted, instead than universal, public assistance strategies has witnessed the usage of poorness estimations to make up one's mind on the figure of families eligible to entree these strategies ââ¬Ë ( Ramakumar 2010 ) . The appraisal of poorness in India is controversial, with many committees coming up with different poorness lines. ââ¬ËErrors of ââ¬Å" incorrect exclusion â⬠in targeted programmes in India are due to the separation of the procedures of ( a ) the appraisal of the figure of hapless and ( B ) the designation of the hapless. It is for the absence of a dependable and executable method of uniting appraisal and designation that political and societal motions have been demanding the universalisation of public assistance strategies like the PDS ââ¬Ë ( Ramakumar 2010 ) . The RGJAY has besides used the undependable BPL/APL cards to place the donees excepting many of the population who needs such strategy the most. It ââ¬Ës high clip the authorities as a public assistance province device new aiming system for public assistance strategies which is inclusive of all the fringy and unseeable population, they are the 1 who needs such intercession the most, or universalise basic public assistance strategies with respect to wellness, nutrients and support etc.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Special Education Teacher For Extended School Year
What is it like to be a Special Education Teacher for Extended School Year? I learned during my field observation that being a special education teacher for Gwinnett County Public School (GCPS) opens the door to many opportunities, one of which is the availability to work as a teacher for Extended School Year (ESY). I also learned in order for students to be eligible for ESY services, they must have an IEP, be in a self-contained classroom during the regular school year, and have data to support significant growth/gains made on their individual goals and objectives. In addition, the student has displayed regression when returning from a break. There are limited sites for ESY at the elementary level, as a result ESY is a competitive data based program for both students and teachers. The site I visited was Chattahoochee Elementary School in Duluth, Ga, there I had the opportunity to shadow a teacher in the Moderate/ASD program. Chattahoochee ES is an older, red brick building with a newer addition added to the top of the school. The wing where ESY is held was part of the new addition. It had tile floors, an exterior office, and six classrooms. Two of the six rooms are used as alert and calming areas, within these rooms there was adapted equipment, like a squeeze machine, listening station, and a trampoline. The classroom was divided into sections/areas, using gray partitions and study carols. Within these sections was a play area, individual task area, and reading area. ThereShow MoreRelatedSch 31-3.5 Explain How to Access Extra Support or Services to Enable Individuals to Communicate Effectively.1325 Words à |à 6 Pagescan have support from the early years team there. Support Services Hounslow has a wide range ofà Central Support Servicesà that form an integral part of the education provision in the Borough. As a diverse borough with children and parents with many different educational needs Hounslowââ¬â¢s teaching Services aim to cater for pupilââ¬â¢s individual and specialist development in their learning attainment, as well as providing support and advice for teaching staff in schools.à These services consist of specialistRead MoreSpecial Education : Questions And Answers And Teachings976 Words à |à 4 Pages In what type of school do you teach? (Type an ââ¬Å"Xâ⬠next to the appropriate description; if ââ¬Å"otherâ⬠applies, provide a brief description.) Elementary school: __x___ Middle school: _____ Other (please describe): _____ 2. Where is the school where you are teaching located? (Type an ââ¬Å"Xâ⬠next to the appropriate description.) City: __x___ Suburb: _____ Town: _____ Rural: _____ 3. 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